Monday, April 15, 2019

Dev Update #48 - iOS coming very soon

Hello everyone!

Today we have released a new Beta version. It doesn't contain a lot of changes but they are very important for our next big release. Read further to learn about what's coming :)

To learn how to join the Beta, read this guide.

This Beta update has an update only for Windows RiftCat client. It is already deployed on Beta channel.

iOS groundwork

This RiftCat client is compatible with iOS version of VRidge. We are in the process of iOS App Store approval.

As soon as we'll get approved on the iOS App Store we'll be able to bring this RiftCat client version to the public and we'll finally be able to use VRidge with iPhones :)

Unfortunately, there is no feasible method of sideloading apps for iPhones so we'll have to patiently wait for the approval. In the meantime, please try out the updated RiftCat client to check if we didn't break anything :)

Fix for AMD GPU's

Some AMD GPUs (especially Vega chipsets) had an issue that made VRidge unusable in certain scenarios. Usually it appeared as a pixelated screen with green lines.

We were able to narrow down the issue and fix it so if you have any AMD Vega card - let us know if the Beta version helped you.


Thanks to your help, we have additional languages ready to be deployed :) For now they are only available in the Beta RiftCat client but with the stable release they will get deployed fully.

You can learn how to join the translation effort by reading this Blog entry.

Final words

Thank you guys for your everlasting support!